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Lisa Vanderpump: It Was Sickening

"I can't comprehend the vitriol that spewed from LR's mouth."

By Lisa Vanderpump
You Don't Know What I Deal With Every Night

I am apologizing for arriving late to the game, as I have been overwhelmed the last few days...

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Hong Kong was an incredible opportunity to focus on our fight against Yulin, and I am grateful for all who supported us in our tireless endeavors, against the barbarianism which transpires each summer solstice.

The dynamic that existed between the women was clearly more complex than I envisaged.

On the boat, Kyle and I watched as Dorit did an excellent job at defending herself, relentlessly pushing forward under the barrage of remarks coming from LR, EJ and ED. Every time I tried to diffuse the situation, those two would not have it. They are tethered together by a loyalty that sometimes makes no sense...I believe sometimes a true friend can tell you when to shut up and not support you flipping the bird and screaming abuse.

I felt a modicum of responsibility for all of them, as they were there at my invitation, and I didn't want to see it all end in tears. Erika has never made an effort with me since the beginning when I had welcomed her to our group. All I had heard was negativity last year. Things have improved this year, and I am hopeful for what lies ahead, but I am not an idiot. Or if I am, I am a busy idiot with not much energy left to push for something that is one sided. 

The trip to the Buddha was beautiful and a welcome respite from the emotionally draining evening before. I dearly wanted us all to experience the beauty of Hong Kong as it was already marred by the intense subject matter that initiated the trip, and I was hoping we would have some beautiful memories.

I was hopeful for a tranquil dinner after the night before, but the tension was palpable, and now I view this as LR salaciously asks Dorit if she apologized to Erika. It was sickening.

The importance of knickergate was still mystifying to me. This is a woman who is brazen in her performances, wears c---y around her neck, is often stark naked unnecessarily in front of millions. I never thought it was intentional, so none of it made sense to me, and I wish she could understand that Dorit's intention was to bring levity to the situation. LR was aggressively relentless in her pursuit of Dorit. When she said she was done, I knew it wasn't the end of it.

Erika reacting to an innocuous statement by Eileen, who we see was attempting to placate the situation, was a bizarre moment. I was thankful to Eileen for attempting to put this whole ridiculous situation into perspective. It was a statement that inadvertently referred to Erika's son's job, and I found myself defending Eileen in that moment. She was truly mortified, and that might just indicate the radical twists and turns that ensued that night.

I imagine as a mother how stressful it must be as your child is in the field and there must be many sleepless nights, but that was an extreme reaction which no one understood. Dorit did an excellent job at defending herself, and she has proven to be a worthy opponent when the gloves are off.

I can't comprehend the vitriol that spewed from LR's mouth, and I had no inkling that slanderous accusations would be hurled at Dorit. Things went from bad to worse...

It was unfair, unnecessary and also unwarranted. Did she trust her husband? WTF has that got to do with anything that had transpired so far? Dorit wasn't threatened by Erika as LR alleged...And then...Cocaine allegations?

I have been the recipient of nasty, vitriolic, unsubstantiated claims, and I defended  my friend Dorit, whom I know to be a decent young woman that was aghast at the venomous words that might linger as the forum is so public.

Watching this actually sickened me. LR looked as if she revelled in Dorit's  exasperation. It was reminiscent of last year. When I exclaimed that it was a low blow, LR stated I was the queen of low blows. I resent that as I would never unjustly accuse someone of something so egregious, especially out of retaliation.

Always remember, when you are aggressively pursued and somebody is clearly attempting to sully your reputation, denigrate your character...don't panic. Give as much credibility to their statement as they deserve, which in this case is zero. And always consider the source, and I think then we will have a better understanding of the validity of those statements. I think this year has given me clarity it as to what transpired last year.

And on that note, I bid you all a good week, and we will conclude this very shortly as it will all rise to fruition in just a few days.

Thank you for watching, as always, love Lisa.

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