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Eileen: Yeah, Vincent and I Bicker Sometimes

Eileen discusses her relationship with her husband Vincent and discusses the difference between raising boys vs. girls.

By Eileen Davidson

Hi Everyone!

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Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills on Bravo Tuesdays at 8/7c and next day on Peacock. Catch up on Bravo.

I loved seeing my first episode of RHOBH. Great catching up with Lisa R. She cracks me up.

Well, I don't know about you, but I got slammed with Christmas this past weekend! Started doing some shopping with my son on Saturday. It always sounds so good on paper... taking your kid shopping at the mall to begin celebrating the holiday season. Uh, no.

Shopping with boys is not like shopping with girls. I see the other women on the show with their daughters, and it seems like shopping with girls is such a bonding experience. Almost a tribal ritual. Shopping with boys? Not so much. It's just like shopping with your husband!! At first I try to get Jesse involved, but that quickly becomes me finding him a place to sit and giving him my phone. I always feel like I have a timer going, because I don't know how long the phone will entertain him, so I'm running around the store like a mad woman, getting confused by all the merchandise and forgetting what I came in there for! I only managed to get one Christmas gift. And of course something for me. It's the old "one for you, one for me" routine!

How exciting for Kim to have her daughter getting married! I am so far away from that. At least I think/hope I am. LOL.

What am I wearing at our kids pool party?! It looks more like The Beverly Hillbillies than The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills! ”

Eileen Davidson

Mallorca looks truly amazing, and Kyle and Yolanda do, too! The news about Bella was intense and I'm sure devastating for Yo and her family. We do the best we can as parents, but our kids will make their mistakes and hopefully learn from them and choose more wisely next time. I understand how that is, having teenagers and a tween myself. Scary stuff. It seems Bella has indeed risen above the circumstances and is a great girl.

Congrats to Lisa V. for her star in Palm Springs! She's an amazing woman and deserves every award. Ever.

OMG! What am I wearing at our kids pool party?! It looks more like The Beverly Hillbillies than The Real Housewives of Beverly HillsThose kids scramble my brains and my fashion choices! Speaking of which, those adorable girls are Jesse's cousins, Sophie, Maddie, Veronica, and Audrey, and my niece Devon. We adore them and we see them as often as possible. And of course our Wheaten, Charlotte (from Dog Whisperer fame).

The tennis extravaganza was hilarious! I love that Vinny was a professional tennis player. He's actually taught me a lot. Not to mention we always win at playing doubles. When in doubt and we're down a bit, I look to him and say, "Do something!" A couple great shots later, and we've won! The only bad thing about him being so good? He will always beat me. Always. Even if he's sick as a dog and exhausted and crawling around the court. He will prevail.

Yeah, Vincent and I bicker sometimes. We've been married for almost 12 years, and we sometimes bug the crap out of each other! Especially when both of us are in between projects and we're at home. All the time. Every day. For weeks.You get my drift. We do have to be careful not to let it get out of control. We're both smart-asses, and sometimes we can go too far. But I adore my husband. He makes me laugh and we have a lot of fun together. I am so proud of his many accomplishments. He's truly a remarkable human being. Great husband. Great father. Great man.

Until next week... 

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxo Ei

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