It Gets Real
Lisa admits that sometimes hindsight is 20/20, and discuss the Taylor and Cedric situations.

When I saw this week’s episode, it struck a chord in me of how real this show is.
We start in Villa Blanca on the night that Kyle and I had planned to have dinner, which is certainly a rare occasion, especially when you are married and lead such busy lives. It is not always that easy to take time out and catch up, and trying to do that in my own restaurant is a difficult task to say the very least. So we proceeded to chat and lo and behold Kyle receives a text!
I have always maintained that one of the reasons for our rapid decline as a group was the fact that Taylor had instigated the problems in New York, That never sat well with me (and at some stage later I do pull her aside). Now was I pleased when she announced to Kyle that she was coming to join us wanting to discuss her marital problems? Ummm, let me think about that for a Also Kyle warned me not to mention New York as she felt that on this particular occasion Taylor wanted to open up to us, and that it would get complicated to include the previous fiasco.
So Taylor arrives, and I sit there supremely irritated at her hand holding and giggling. I don't know maybe it was ridiculous of me to show my irritation, but there you have it. That is exactly what I mean about the reality of this show. I like all the women, but Taylor running to Camille and repeating what Kim had said, always stayed in the back of my mind...When I see Camille in her interviews, my heart really breaks for her. I know she really tried to conceal her emotions and keep hidden the fact that her marriage was in complete turmoil. Even when she went to New York, I knew she was conflicted and I reached out to her a little later, trying to offer her some sort of support in this upsetting and humiliating situation. Her husband had been hinting to her, and she had mentioned it to me, that he wanted to stay in New York. Camille, whatever you think of her and I am totally aware of the negative feedback out there, was falling apart. And to slowly watch your marriage unravel for all the world to see is something that must be extremely difficult to deal with. So when I became aware of that I felt some sort of empathy for her.
Moving on, the road trip to Santa Barbara was an afternoon filled with a multitude of emotions. I am fully aware of my husbands enthusiasm to have our house back to normal and Cedric move out, but it is not that simple. Did I feel at that time, shall we say, taken advantage of? Absolutely. Am I sure his story hasn't been exaggerated? Well, at this time I'm not sure, and so the story continues. But I have to say I knew something wasn't quite right, but when you open, not just your home, but every family situation, and basically your heart the only thing you want in return is undivided loyalty.
Anyway, you must be getting bored listening to me waffle on!
And as we near the end of our first season I want to thank all of you, I love your comments and get ready for the is unbelievable!
Love always, Lisa.