Watch Bella Hadid Describe Modeling While Struggling with Lyme Disease
"I nap a lot on set. I sleep a lot at night," the model reveals.

As one of the go-to models in the fashion industry, Bella Hadid's life is certainly fast paced. Between shooting ad campaigns to walking in fashion weeks across the globe, the 20-year-old is almost always on the go. But, like her mom, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' Yolanda Hadid, she also struggles with Lyme disease. When The Lookbook caught up with Bella at the Uniting for a Lyme-Free World Gala hosted by the Global Lyme Alliance, she revealed how she juggles her career and her journey with Lyme disease.
"I nap a lot on set. I sleep a lot at night. I try to get my ten hours, so I don't really do much besides working," she shared. "But I'm really dedicated to my career, so I really like to try and sleep as much as possible, keep my health at the top and keep my mom around."
Yolanda did offer up some more insight into how her famous daughter manages to do it all. "It's almost like a lifestyle," she said. "She just came back from Tokyo. She's been in bed for three days, complete resting, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping," her mom said. "And then she'll get up and go to work and do what she has to do. I mean, obviously, at this age there's so many obligations I think that for now we're juggling until we can find a cure and get back to real life."
Yolanda was on hand Thursday night to serve as a #proudmommy to Bella, who was being honored for her work with the organization. "I mean it's such an honor to be here anyways and I think it's really cool that we get to not celebrate it, but I think it's cool that we get to have all these people come around and kind of have a family of Lyme, which is a weird thing to say," she said. "It's a community and I think it's nice for other people to see they're not alone and hear other people speak and donate."

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