Lisa Vanderpump: I Support Max's Curiosity
Lisa Vanderpump explains her emotional reaction while discussing Max's adoption and has some thoughts concerning Eden and Lisa Rinna's conversation about Kim.

Hello to you all. Now let's jump right in, shall we?
Well once again, Eileen raises the issue of another woman being manipulated by my good self. I find it rather amusing that she would perpetually, backhandedly compliments me, just by virtue of the fact that I have these extraordinary powers, but also patronizes other women by insinuating that they are guilty of being feeble-minded weaklings with no opinions of their own.
Now if another intelligent woman comes to the same conclusions as I did, maybe that assertion might be validated, and as this season plays out, that validation might just prove factual. Dorit, who you will come to know, is a strong woman that is totally capable of forming her own opinions, as you will see.
I was vociferous in my defense of Kim and to Kyle later, that LR's intent to humiliate Kim at her "game night" was unacceptable. To constantly initiate subjects referring to Kim's struggles is not necessary. So not having witnessed first-hand the extraordinary comments regarding Kim's sobriety to Eden, I was aghast at her assertions when I viewed them shopping. It seemed retaliatory because where, when and how could she profess to have any knowledge of Kim's well being? Her state of mind? She had spent little, if any, time with her whatsoever in the last year or so. I don't believe anyone has the right or authority in a public forum to contest somebody's sobriety without good reason.

And then the extraordinary statement that Kyle is an enabler. Now what the f--- does that mean?
The expression "enabler" when it comes to alcoholism conjures up somebody pouring an alcoholic a drink, permitting them to do so. In my experience, and I believe I am a thousand percent more qualified to comment than LR, I have never seen anything but a supportive, albeit strained at times, relationship, and it beggars belief that LR doesn't have a modicum of loyalty to that reality.
The interesting fact here is last season I was castigated by Eileen, who droned on and on for months, about an inadvertent clumsy statement, but when it comes to LR's vitriol she stays silent...
As a friend, I would reprimand her, for being so unduly judgmental in regard to Kim. What was the word she used regarding our conversation in the Hamptons one long year ago? ...Icky...Yes that's it. Well this was super "icky," if that is a word at all.
And on we move...
As we know Max, my son, has initiated conversations with me in the last couple of years regarding his background. As an adoptive mother in his younger years, I felt threatened at the prospect of him searching for his biological family, wondering if a bloodline might usurp his feelings of the familial bond that we had created. But now as he is older, I feel more secure and support his curiosity.
Unfortunately my emotions got the better of me. Just the paperwork and memories so deeply etched in my mind of all those years ago sent a ripple of fear and apprehension through me.
I have been accused in the past of not being as vulnerable as some of the other women, as I have remained stoic in my attitude when under attack, but when it comes to things concerning matters of the heart (my children and many issues I support wholeheartedly), well tears, I suppose, are just a blink away.
We tracked down the lawyer, and they brought up the paperwork, and as I read the profile of the man that had fathered Max (even that terminology is hard to write...I am a useless idiot when it comes to this lol...), I had to leave and regroup.
Anyway, as the nation prepares for the the next 1,460 days, change is imminent.
We must always stay steadfast in our resolve to be courageous and, most importantly, stand up for what we believe in.
I was privileged and honored to have a page in Time Magazine predicting 2017. I think in light of what has transpired, we can safely live by the old adage "expect the unexpected!" That also applies to this season.
Keep watching, and until next week as always ...Love Lisa.