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Kenya: No, I Don't Want to be Kim

Kenya Moore has a lot to say about that showdown with Kim Zolciak-Biermann.

By Kenya Moore
Kim Zolciak-Biermann and Kenya Moore’s Blowout

Bravotv.com: What were your first impressions of Chateau Sheree?
Kenya Moore: Although Sheree's home is not my aesthetic, it is her home and she is proud to have gotten it to the point it is now. She mentioned she was a single woman (same as me), who did it on her own (same as me), and accomplished something few of us do (same as me). For that alone, I have to say congratulations and I’m proud of her. With that said, was I being petty by pointing out the obvious? Hell yeah! I’ve heard a few say I trashed her home…HOW exactly? Stating obvious facts such as she has some of the exact same lighting fixtures I have, similar bed, smaller closets, similar decor throughout and an unfinished basement. I’m human. I had fun stating the obvious…it was petty and shady, but not mean. Sheree talked about my plumbing and baseboards, said I was living in a war zone, etc. Her main point was that her house was MORE finished than mine -- and she took another five months to work on her home before her housewarming!

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She was the last person who should have criticized me or belittled my accomplishment. She should have celebrated with me. Everyone loves to blame me for everything, but it’s perfectly fine when they attack me. How many high roads can one take before they fall off a cliff? My point was, petty or not, people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Hopefully, this is a lesson from which we can all learn. Perhaps now we can focus on more important issues and support each other in the future. Proud to share that Sheree has agreed to participate in a PSA I’m producing for domestic violence. Trying to help other victims and families is far more important than helping her finish her basement.

Bravotv.com: What went through your mind when Kim came for you?
KM: I’d been very fond of Kim and always kept in touch with her and had been one of her biggest fans. I was shocked when she was so rude to me. After all, had she not felt superior to this group of girls and left, she would know that the “house war” between me and Sheree was not that serious. We all watched Kim trash Kandi's house, right? She talked about her neighborhood, her broken gate, her banisters and went on and on and on about what was wrong with Kandi’s house. See where I’m going with this?

When she came for me, I had to first figure out if it was really Kim. Her own mother probably couldn’t pick her out of a line up now, so how could I be expected to? She kept making nasty comments about my appearance… This is the same woman who wants people to believe she hasn’t had any plastic surgery done to her face, but she can’t close her eyes when she blinks. Bitch, bye! No, I don’t want to be Kim. Yes, I would love to have children, but I’m not interested in having three baby daddies. I appreciate my genes and the fact that I have my original face and that I don’t age like sour milk. My body is my temple. I don’t smoke cigarettes or drink a bottle of wine a day. Thank God I have my own healthy hair and successful hair care line that promotes real hair growth. (Kenya Moore Hair Care in retail stores now!) At least we know my hair care line works. I don't believe smearing cream on your face after a facelift is really a cure for wrinkles.

Catch me at my next Sally Beauty Supply appearance and visit KenyaMooreHair.com for orders and information.

Love, peace, and shade,

Facebook and Instagram: TheKenyaMoore
Twitter: @KenyaMoore

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