Claudia: NeNe's Behavior Needed to Be Checked
Claudia Jordan weighs in on her dramatic showdown with NeNe Leakes. Were you surprised by Kenya’s reaction to your feet? What was your plan to hide your feet in Puerto Rico?
Claudia Jordan: Hmm, was I surprised at Kenya's reaction to my feet? Kind of. I guess I always knew they were bad and had gotten so used to hiding them. When I revealed them to her and she screamed, I instantly felt ashamed, embarrassed, and knew I was doing the right thing making that first step to be a better me by scheduling a doctor's appointment to fix these things. And then when I saw them on television, it was a million times worse. Then came all the memes and jokes online and on the radio... It was quite a "feat" to show my toes on national television, but some good did come out of it. First, several doctors have contacted me to fix my toes for me, practically begging to do it! Second, I have gotten so many messages in my inbox from other young ladies telling me they too suffer and are ashamed of the damage they too have done to their toes from years of wearing uncomfortable shoes. I have established quite the little support group since the big reveal, and NOW more than ever the pressure is on to have the surgery to get my toes back to normal.
People have asked me if it was a financial restriction that has prevented me from going ahead with the surgery, and that is not the case at all. It's more a case of when would I ever have a month where I can commit to healing, not wearing a heel, and being in a surgical boot? Plus I cannot lie, I am afraid of the pain and I'm also scared of the surgery, because you have to remove a part of your joint in your toe! That is terrifying to say the least. I am getting pretty close to convincing myself that it's for the best and will keep you all updated if and when I decide to go under the knife. I will tell you this -- it wasn't necessarily cheap shoes that did this to me. I had a few mild corns here and there from my track days, but they really got bad when I wore my first pair of designer shoes (I won't say which ones). BUT I remember one day I had them on for eight hours, and when I took them off, I had red corns on my feet from one day of torture! This combined with my 19 hour work days in brand new, ill-fitting heels when I was a model on Deal or No Deal. Our feet would even bleed some days! So game show models and ballerinas have it tough! What was going through your mind during the awkwardness at dinner?
CJ: I will say before #TeamPetty (minus Kandi) came to the dinner, the rest of the ladies and I were having a great time! We laughed, sipped wine, had great girl talk, and were really enjoying one another's company. We were getting to know Demetria, and she was sharing her excitement about her performance with us. We all offered words of encouragement and it felt really good to be a part of a group of women that had no ill will towards one another and who really wished the best for another woman. Before I met Demetria, I swear folks wanted us to not like each other and get along. Third party individuals would put little bugs in our ears to not like each other, but when we sat down and talked it was a no brainer. Speaking of no-brainers, when the other ladies arrived, the shade was thick. Half of them didn't speak and the cattiness was on FLEEK. You know when folks are trying to "fake act like they are not bothered?" Well there was a lot of that going on. It was corny as hell to me. Just come say hello, sit down, and order a damn drink! Let's have this meal, show a little respect to our host, and let's get through this thing.
Immediately Demetria wanted to cut to the chase and address the shade so we could hash it out and start the evening with a clean slate, but that certainly didn't go as planned. I for the life of me could not understand what Phaedra's issue with Demetria was. We are all (for the most part) a very intelligent group of women, so we all know what shade is and isn't, and Phaedra just seemed to have it out for Demetria from the beginning. All Demetria wanted to do was address the shade, squash it, and move on, but Phaedra was rude.
Then the peanut gallery of NeNe and Porsha didn't make things better high fiving each other, having side bar conversations that were not quiet, being disrespectful with little jabs towards Demetria, and a bunch of other very childish and passive aggressive behavior. I was shocked! It wasn't my argument, but I was still appalled. These are for the most part middle aged women acting like high school mean girls. At one point I interjected, "Do you guys want to resolve this or not?" And then all hell broke loose! I didn't attack nor "come for NeNe." But she certainly saw an in to start a fight with me by insulting me with, "Oh you have a brain?" Rude, rude, rude. All I was trying to do was get us back on track to squash it, not inflame it. But perhaps Miss Rich Bitch was feeling some type of way that the attention wasn't on her, but instead was on the newbie Demetria and her new BFF (whom she didn't remember going to school with) Phaedra Parks. much can happen in a year. Yay for new bestie!
OK, what transpired after that comment was what many call a "read," but for me it was just responding to a mean, rude, obnoxious bully that has for too long run rampant with that mouth and childish, ignorant behavior that needed to be checked. That ego is as big as those veneers, and quite frankly I was over it! I had tried to be cordial with this woman already, and the last time we saw each other we were OK (not besties, but dammit I thought there was no beef). But this clearly is par for the course for Linnethia or however you spell her damn name! She was acting as if she were bipolar! Pick a personality and stick with it so we all know how to deal or not deal with you. Anyway, I am glad I kept my cool and remained a lady (for the most part) during the argument. I never raised my voice or concerned myself with my adversaries "clit" or "pussy." That made me uncomfortable, because just a week ago you had only fessed up to meeting me once -- NOW you know my fico score, credit report, sexual history, and status of my "clit." To say this was ODD is a complete understatement. You can't have it both ways, "NayNay." I'm glad I stood up for myself and against the rudeness that was directed towards Demetria. Seems some of these ladies could use an etiquette class. Cynthia, hook them up at The Bailey Agency please, and send me the bill for three! Why did you end up going off on NeNe?
CJ: I didn't go off on NeNe. I simply handled her in the manner that she deserved and was damn near begging me to. That is with authority, precision, and truth -- and I am glad to do it again the next time she behaves like an animal! Grow up, Broadway star! This is not the way a happy, successful, established, and UNBOTHERED lady acts. #GirlBye