Kim and Sweetie's Offensive Comments
Kandi was shocked by some of the things Kim and Sweetie had to say about her new house.

Well we're back! Did you miss us?
This year has been a very busy year full of new beginnings for me -- new house, new businesses, new Housewives to deal with, etc. Let me get right to it. I loved the premiere. It was a great introduction to what is going on with everyone.
Phaedra comes up with some of the most over-the-top ideas. What made her think about doing funerals for animals? One thing I can say about Phaedra is that although her ideas are…"unique," they are money makers! Much respect to my girl!
Sidebar: Ayden is adorable on tonight's episode.
I'm glad to see NeNe doing big things. She and I have had ups and downs in our relationship over the years, but regardless of the down moments, I've always respected her hustle. It’s inspiring to be able to have watched her accomplish her dream. I'm sure you guys are probably surprised to hear me saying that, because the clip for next week shows me asking Phaedra why she is hanging out with NeNe. Well, let’s not forget that most of last season was the Smalls against the Talls. So I went into this season looking at every nice gesture from the Talls with a side eye.

What did you think of Kenya? She definitely brought the drama. That was just a taste, because she's going to keep it going the whole season, LOL! Kenya does not bite her tongue, and she gave those poor little aspiring models hell.

Well now that I got them out of the way, let me get to myself and Kim, because I got a million tweets about this tonight. When Kim came by the house with Sweetie, I was offended by some of the things she and Sweetie said. Kim said Sweetie told her she needed to lock her doors when she got off of my exit, because I lived in the hood. I was very irritated by that, because I was thinking, "Where the f--- do you live, Sweetie?" There were even more things said that rubbed me the wrong way as well, like, "I didn't even know they had houses like this over here. They must've just recently fixed it up." Or "Wow, this is nice. I wasn't expecting this AT ALL." Or when I showed them the in-ground jacuzzi room, one of them said, "Oh you meant a real jacuzzi! When you mentioned you had a jacuzzi room, I didn't know you meant a real Jacuzzi, I thought you were talking about a jacuzzi tub." I was like what the hell would I mention a jacuzzi tub for? Oh I can't forget this one! At one point I found myself defending my side of town and said, "There are a lot of wealthy people that live in this area," and Sweetie said, "Like drug dealers." I wasn't feeling it at all. Sweetie explained that she grew up on the north side of town, and she said that she heard my side of town was dangerous. In my opinion, the stuff that Sweetie says to Kim adds to the whole racist theory people have about Kim. If Kim has a black friend that feeds her bullsh-- that certain areas of town are "hood" or "ghetto," then that's what she's going to run with. I hadn't seen Kim in a while when she came over that day. The first couple of negative things they said kind of flew over my head, but after a while I caught on and I was feeling a little bothered by it. Have you ever had one of those moments where something happened that wasn't cool and after the fact you thought you should've told that bitch this or that? Well that was one of those moments for me. I was trying to be cool, like maybe they didn't know any better. I was thinking I shouldn’t trip, because clearly they have never been in this area before, but after a while it was like OK that's enough of the ghetto neighborhood comments. After all the talk about my house, Kim talked to me about being evicted from her house and that she was just going to stay there and make them kick her out. Hmm... That sounded like some real ghetto section 8 type sh-- to me, but hey, they live on the "non-ghetto" side of town, so no way could they have that type of stuff going on… LOL! Whatever.
Oh! Let me address the Kash name thing. I've had a list of names in my phone for a few years for if I ever had another child. Kash was one of the names. When Todd and I got together, I showed it to him and we said that if we had a baby, Kash would be the name we would use. When we moved into this house we even had a room that we told everyone would be Kash's room. Todd would even make jokes about tattooing Kash on him. It was the on-going joke and conversation amongst my friends. Well, you can imagine how shocked I was when I found out Kim named her son Kash. Oh well!
Looking forward to watching the drama unfold this season!
Much Love,
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