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The Daily Dish Food and Drinks

Starbucks Announced It's Banishing Straws, And Everyone Has the Same Joke About the New Cups

Coffee giant Starbucks crafted a new design to replace the old cup-straw-lid model.

By Alesandra Dubin

Hopping on a trend taking shape around the country, Starbucks announced on Monday that it plans to eliminate single-use plastic straws by 2020. Yes, that means every single straw from more than 28,000 stores.

So how will you funnel that luscious caffeinated goodness into your desperate gullet now? Well, that would be by way of a new so-called “strawless lid,” which will become standard for all iced coffee, tea, and espresso beverages, according to a news release.

Customers in Seattle and Vancouver will be the first to see the strawless lids implemented, starting this fall, with phased rollouts within the U.S. and Canada beginning next year.

And here they are:

This is good news for the environment, but Starbucks devotees with an abundance of time to discuss such matters on the Internet have chimed in, having collectively noticed a particular thing about the new lids: They look like sippy cups for adults.

As a matter of fact, they actually are sippy cups for adults.

And that makes sense, given the way many adults depend on their daily Starbucks buzz in much the same way that babies require milk for their mere survival.

And yes, grownups can be rather spill prone too — especially until the caffeine gets coursing through the ol' veins.

Photos: Starbucks

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