Chris Pratt Announces He Raises His Own Livestock That "Wake Up Dead in My Freezer," Sparks Inevitable Vegan Rage
Lamb: It's what's for dinner.
He may not know the most elegant way to cut a fish, but Chris Pratt apparently has other talents when it comes to animal husbandry. What does that mean exactly? He's actually now a lamb farmer who raises his own lamb for meat.
He revealed this fun fact after taking a "much needed" break from Instagram.
He's got a sense of humor about the slaughtering part, which might take some aback.“That’s right, fresh farm to table lamb,” he said in the video. “They are the happiest lambs on the planet. They are so sweet and then one day they wake up dead and they’re in my freezer. I don’t know how it even works but it’s amazing and if you’re a vegetarian, I apologize, I don’t mean to be insensitive but I did have a wonderful lamb lunch for my snack.”
Inevitably, after his social sharing came the vegan backlash on Twitter.
Didn't see that coming, said no one.