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The Daily Dish The Real Housewives of Orange County

Meghan King Edmonds Explains Why #CancerSucks and What She's Doing To Help

The #RHOC newcomer opens up about an important cause close to her heart.

By Jocelyn Vena

Last month, Meghan King Edmonds and her family lost someone very close to them, LeAnn Huntley Edmonds-Horton (the ex-wife of her husband, Jim Edmonds, and the mother to Meghan's stepdaughters). Following her passing, Meghan not only made a statement with her bright pink hair, she launched a charitable cause. The Real Housewives of Orange County wife has teamed up with the Fight CRC Foundation to raise awareness about colorectal cancer, which LeAnn died from, through fashion.

How to Watch

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"They're trucker hats with hashtags that I say on the show like #OverIt or #CoolStepmom, but what's really exciting about what I'm doing [is] I collaborated with my stepdaughter Lauren and we created a hat in memory of [of her mom] LeAnn called #CancerSucks," Meghan told The Daily Dish during a recent visit to Bravo HQ. "And 100% of the proceeds that we raise from that hat go directly to Fight Colorectal Cancer and its an amazing charity. I've been working together with her family and so far it's our number one seller." You can purchase a #CancerSucks hat at shop.meghankedmonds.com

Check out the hats below. You can read more about them on Meghan's blog.

And see how Meghan nails interview style.

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