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The Daily Dish Flipping Out

Jeff Lewis' Little Girl Monroe Has Officially Won Our Hearts: 5 Clips You Need to See

See what's buzzing on #FlippingOut.

Monroe's First Photo Shoot

Jeff Lewis and Gage Edward's little girl, Monroe, came into the world this season on Flipping Out and the SoCal tot couldn't be any cuter. In fact, over the course of this season, we watched her grow from newborn to infant and along the way, she won our hearts. And it all came full circle on Thursday's season finale. We're breaking down some of the buzziest moments in The Daily Dish Morning After.

How to Watch

Catch up on Flipping Out on the Bravo App.

1. Flipping Out

Look. At. That. Smile.

2. Meet Your Fairy Godmother

Jeff Pops a Big Question...

Instead of granting wishes, this one spits rhymes.

3. Feeling Holy

Monroe Gets Baptized

We definitely got a little teary-eyed watching little Monroe at her baptism.

4. Life Is Good

Jeff Lewis Is Having the Time of His Life

Cue all the heart-eye emojis: Jeff (and his family) are clearly living their best lives.

5. Daddy's Girl

Celebrating Flipping Out's Breakout Star Monroe

Check out more of Monroe's cutest moments ... so far!

Check back every morning as we'll be recapping the 5 must-see moments from the night before. And don't forget to tune into The Daily Dish podcast to get the latest on what's happening in the Bravo galaxy, currently available on Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Play, and Amazon's Alexa.

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