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The Daily Dish Below Deck

Kate Chastain’s Mom “Was Mortified” After This TV Moment

The Below Deck alum pulled a hilarious stunt on an episode of WWHL that shocked her mother. 

By Hannah Chambers
Will Kate Chastain Find Love with a Guy She Ghosted?!

Kate Chastain just did something that completely “mortified” her mother on television. The Below Deck alum pulled a hilarious stunt on the July 20 episode of Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen: @ Home, which you can watch unfold, below. 

How to Watch

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Kate appeared on the episode’s Moment of Mazel to explain how to spice things up while staying at home to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). 

“When it comes to creating a little joy in quarantine, who could give better advice than a yachtie who is used to living in close quarters? How about a yachtie who also seems to prefer not being around other people at all?” Andy teased. “For tonight’s Moment of Mazel, here is Kate Chastain with how to throw a quarantine party.”

“Hey, guys, it’s Kate Chastain, and here are my tips for how to throw yourself a quarantine party. First of all, a glass of wine makes everything festive, but also, dress up! Put on makeup, curl your hair, put on a cute outfit! If you look good, you feel good,” explained Kate. 

Next, the yachtie shared her foolproof quarantine party food tips.

“What’s a party without some food? I like to get mine delivered,” Kate shared, just as her doorbell rang. “Actually, it just arrived. And you always want to look cute for your delivery person. I’m on my way!” 

Kate then got up from her chair, and walked towards the door, which is a totally normal thing to do when the doorbell rings and you’re expecting some delivery food, right? Unless, of course, you’re bare-bottomed, as Kate was in the Moment of Mazel while she walked to receive her food totally pantsless. 

The video had The Real Housewives of Dallas cast member D’Andra Simmons cracking up, as she tweeted, “Haha, I love you @Kate_chastain.” Kate replied to D’Andra’s tweet to note, “Aww thank you! My poor mom was mortified!” 

Either way, it was totally worth it. This was a pretty epic Moment of Mazel.

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