Cary Deuber's Husband Mark Deuber Addresses Rumors About His Sexuality
Here's how The Real Housewives of Dallas husband deals with the gossip.

There's been a lot of chatter surrounding Cary Deuber and her relationship with her husband Mark Deuber this season of The Real Housewives of Dallas. The gossip reached a boiling point when LeeAnne Locken repeated rumors she heard about Mark and a Dallas gay bar called The Round-Up to Brandi Redmond prior to her breast surgery.
Mark confronted LeeAnne about her comments during Monday night's episode of RHOD. Though their conversation was a heated one, Mark and LeeAnne ultimately decided to agree to disagree when it came to whether the RHOD pal was justified in spreading the gossip.
Mark explained what it's been like dealing with the speculation about his sexuality during a recent interview with The Daily Dish. "Well, I mean, one way to deal with that is you have to laugh about it because it's ridiculous. I know what I am, but at the same time, I'm into girls. I'm only into girls. I'm really only into this girl," Mark said while gesturing toward Cary (clip above). "But it's sad that people throw this around to try to hurt people because there are people out there who are in the closet or are worried about coming out, and they're struggling every day. And here is someone who says she's a friend of the LGBT community, and she's kind of throwing it around like, 'Look at this guy over here,' and laughing about it. And I don't see how you're a friend to a community where there are people who are really struggling with these issues, and they have a hard time. They don't have the same equality that they deserve, that everyone deserves. It's a really tragic thing."
Cary added during the same interview, "Yeah, I just don't think it should be thrown around that way. I think it's just ignorant."
The RHOD nurse went on to say that she has gotten some support from Tamra Judge, who has also dealt with rumors surrounding her husband Eddie Judge's sexuality on The Real Housewives of Orange County, and vice versa. "Tamra and I have talked about it," Cary shared. "Tamra's, you know, it's hard. It's hard for any rumor to be spread about you. And it's hard to hear anything, and especially when you know that it's been made up just to hurt you."
What has been most painful for Mark about the experience of dealing with this chatter is how it has the potential to negatively impact his children, as Cary also mentioned on RHOD this season. "You can say that to me, and it's OK. Whatever you want to say to me is fine. But the other side of it, again, is just like with the affair rumors, it's not hurting me or us, but it does hurt our kids," he said. "And I mean, Zuri's 5, about to be 5, and she doesn't know what that means. It doesn't matter. But I've got kids who are teenagers, and they've got friends who see this stuff, and they have to deal with that or they'll probably be teased about it, and that's not a nice thing."
See more of Cary, Mark, and their family, below.