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The Daily Dish Relationships

Kim Kardashian Was 25 When She First Saw Caitlyn Jenner Dressed As a Woman

The Keeping Up With The Kardashians mom just told a secret she's kept for years.

By Tamara Palmer

Kim Kardashian and Caitlyn Jenner don't exactly have each other on speed dial these days, and Kim hasn't talked about her estranged stepfather much in the past year, but she opened up about life before Caitlyn's transition on The Alec Baldwin Show.

“I found out when I was maybe 25,” she admitted to the new talk show host. “My mom was out of town and I walked in on Caitlyn all dressed up. . . as a woman in the garage at my mom’s house. I ran inside, packed a bag so fast, shaking, and ran out and called Kourtney. I said, ‘I have to come spend the weekend with you.’ I was hysterically crying. She just was like, ‘What is it? Did you catch [Caitlyn] cheating?’ And I was like, ‘I wish. I don’t know what I just saw.’ I didn’t come home for the weekend.”

Kim said that Caitlyn (who was then Bruce) said she would explain it to her one day and asked her not to tell anyone, especially her mother, so she kept the secret. Kim reasoned, "I thought, OK, if I tell her, I'm gonna break up their marriage and my two little sisters aren't going to have their dad around, so I better keep my mouth shut ... And I didn't say a word."

But it was most likely an open secret in the family. Kendall Jenner told Vogue in September 2016 that Kris Jenner knew from her third date with Bruce. And Kendall's own experiences mirror that of Kim and her sisters.

"My whole life we would, like, catch her, and we would be like, 'What is going on here? I think we know, but do we?’ And then one time I actually ran into her. In this house. She had no idea. She would wake up really early just so she could dress up and move around the house and get that little kick for the morning, and then go back to being Bruce; take us to school, totally normal. So one morning I woke up at 4 a.m. so thirsty, came downstairs into the kitchen, and grabbed a bottle of water. And as I was coming back out, my dad was coming down the stairs in, like, a wig and makeup and shoes; the full nine. And she didn’t see me."

Kim explained that they support Caitlyn in her transition.

“That’s why I love that we did share our story on our show, because it gave people the understanding that you can have every different emotion and that’s OK,” Kim told Alec Baldwin. “At the end of the day, we just want Caitlyn to be happy and be herself.”

Credit: Kim Kardashian/Instagram

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