Your First Look at Every Glittering Outfit from The Real Housewives of Dallas Reunion
Here's your exclusive sneak preview at the glimmering dresses Stephanie Hollman, Brandi Redmond, Cary Deuber, LeeAnne Locken, D'Andra Simmons, and Kameron Westcott wore to the Season 3 reunion.

Things are really heating up on The Real Housewives of Dallas, so we can't wait to see how it all ends at the Season 3 reunion. Until then, we'll just have to enjoy all the sneak previews we can get. Recently, we got a peek at the reunion seating chart, which (if you know anything about how reunions go down) can provide some serious clues about where the ladies stand with each other after the season. But there's more: Watch the video above for another preview of the upcoming sit-down.
The Lookbook scored an exclusive sneak peek at all the Dallas Housewives' outfits for the Season 3 reunion and — spoiler alert — there were a LOT of sparkles involved. Stephanie Hollman, Brandi Redmond, Cary Deuber, LeeAnne Locken, D'Andra Simmons, and Kameron Westcott all draped themselves in glittering, glimmering getups that were even more fabulous than you can imagine. Watch the video above to see what everyone wore!