The 12 Best (And Snarkiest) Jeff Lewis Quotes Ever
Because we could all use a little more blunt honesty in our lives.

Jeff Lewis doesn't sugarcoat anything unless it's a cocktail. We've come to know and love his hilarious honesty over the past eight seasons of Flipping Out and boy, are we ready for more. While we patiently wait to hear what will come out of his mouth this season, we've found 12 of Jeff Lewis' best quotes to satisfy the sarcastically confident interior decorator in all of us.
Be sure to tune in to the Season Premiere of Flipping Out Wednesday July 13th at 10/9c.
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Jeff is always kind enough to offer advice. Note to self: call Jeff before making any and all decisions.
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We can't deny that we also think it would be pretty fun to work for Jeff, but maybe we should ask Jenni and Zoila and the rest of the team first...

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Jeff gets us and our Monday feels.
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Nobody said working for Jeff Lewis Design was easy.
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If there's anything that warms our hearts while watching this show, it's Jeff and Zoila's relationship.
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With Jeff's long list of celebrity clients, we're dying to know who he could be talking about.
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Jeff and Jenni make an excellent team, mainly because they're not afraid to be honest with one another. Even brutally honest...
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Now that's true love, right?

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This is valuable advice for employees everywhere.
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An interior designer's gotta do what an interior desinger's gotta do.
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A new way to say "Don't take no for an answer."
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Zoila truly is the Flipping Out gift that keeps on giving.