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The Daily Dish Million Dollar Listing New York

How to Do Fredrik Eklund's High Kick in 4 Easy Steps

The real estate guru reveals the secrets of his signature move.

By Megan Johnson


How to Watch

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He’s got style, he’s got grace, and he can sell a multi-million dollar apartment in the world’s most competitive real-estate market like nobody’s business. But MLDNY’s Fredrik may be most beloved for his celebratory high-kick—and now the real estate guru has revealed his secrets to his moves.

In his latest blog post, Fredrik, who says he invented the move at age 14, reveals he loves the love because it helps him stand out from the crowd. “The kick is a signature for everything I stand for,” he writes, “to be yourself, to stick out, be the top of your game, and doing it with humor and style.”

Want to stand out just like him? Here’s his four tips to a hot high kick:

1: Know Your Surroundings
“Both feet on the ground and arms relaxed,” Fredrik writes. “The high-kick always comes unexpectedly with great energy, and is in contrast to everything else around you, which is planned, forced and static, and therefore it's important you do it from a relaxed pose.”

2: Poise, Posture, and Balance Is Everything
“Practice by raising your leg up,” Fredrik writes. “At first bended in a 45° angle, and then higher up, ending with a straight leg. Now it's important to also straighten your toe, and then keep this pose for a few seconds. Learn how to balance yourself with a straight leg and straight toe.”

VIDEO: Watch Fredrik share his manscaping secrets!

3: Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously
“Yes, you will laugh—that's the POINT!—and anyone watching you will laugh too,” he writes. “Especially if you are a big, broad-shouldered guy like me.”

4: Look To Jurassic Park and the King of Pop for Inspiration
“When you can control that slow kick, you need to add your hands,” he writes. “Pretend you are a T-Rex, with angled hands downwards, then kick, and make a sound effect. I like the "Weeeee" with a light Michael Jackson-voice. You can also finish off with a crazy face after the sound effect, like it's an attack on your enemy. Show your teeth.”

Want to see Fredrik's high kick in action? Catch a preview of tonight's episode, airing 9/8c

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