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The Daily Dish

Andy Cohen and Julie Chen on Their Shared Past

The TV titans started under the same roof.

By Colleen Werthmann

Our Andy Cohen showed the ladies of The Talk some true New York hospitality to welcome them to the Big Apple this week.  No, he didn't steal their taxi out from under their noses on the Upper West Side -- he brought them a plate of bagels.

But it was the tidbit that was revealed about Andy and The Talk host Julie Chen that proved to be the real treat -- the two interned together at CBS during their college days.

"She was a little bit of a wallflower, and I barely remember her because I was the star intern," Andy joked. "And then she blew up into this glamour bomb and she's like, the Chenbot all of a sudden."

Julie's cohost Aisha Tyler congratulated on Andy on WWHL's upcoming expansion from two to five nights a week (yay!). Andy joined a Mutual Admiration Society with the ladies, enthusing, "One of the things I love about this show is that it's live and it's spontaneous and anything can happen and that's my vibe, too." But the former "star intern" still has a bit of competitiveness in him, pointing out one major advantage that his show has over the ladies' AM juggernaut.

And what might that be, Andy?  "We have cocktails on our show."  Of course.

Who would you rather have as your intern -- Andy or Julie? Start a Tweet Battle and make your case.

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