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The Daily Dish Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen

Andy & Anderson's 'Lady and The Tramp' Moment

The two TV friends chow down on a 36-pound gummy snake.

By Mike Hess

To paraphrase our NBC comrade Brian Williams' fantastic election night quote: Well, that just happened.

"That" in this instance happens to be Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper each grabbing the opposite end of a 36-pound (and $150?!) gummy snake on Anderson Live and taking a big old bite. Seriously -- it all went down during a holiday gift idea segment, and aside from the Lady and the Tramp moment that Andy and Andy-erson shared, just watching the two try to wrestle the bohemoth confection out of the box is worth your time. Promise.

How to Watch

Tune in to WWHL on Bravo Sunday through Thursday and next day on Peacock. Catch up on Bravo.

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