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The Daily Dish Winter House

Sam Feher Reveals She Broke Up with Kory Keefer: “He Doesn’t Love Me”

Samantha "Sam" Feher shared the details of her and Kory Keefer's split, which comes after their Winter House Season 3 drama.

By Allison Crist

Samantha "Sam" Feher and Kory Keefer have officially split after dating for over a year (though how long exactly "depends [on] which one of us you ask," she said when revealing the news).

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In addition to detailing the timeline of their relationship, Sam also opened up about the reason for their break-up as well as who initiated it. Read on for details.

Sam Feher and Kory Keefer's Split

According to Sam, she was the one who broke up with Kory. She made the decision to do so shortly before the Winter House Season 3 reunion aired in late December. 

"The trigger was, he texted like five or six days before Christmas, and was like, ‘Hey I just realized Christmas and New Year’s are coming up, what are we doing?’ And I was like, if you wanted to spend that time with me, I think you hopefully would've texted me before then or we would've figured it out sooner," Sam explained on the January 16 episode of the Not Skinny But Not Fat podcast

How the Winter House Season 3 Drama Played a Role in Sam and Kory's Split

Beyond that, Sam was still reeling from everything that happened on Winter House Season 3 — namely, Kory's flirtatious relationships with Malia White and Jordan Emanuel. "What took a toll was watching it back and finding out I had been lied to by so many people," Sam said. "And there are lies that are genuine, straight-up lies — like Malia saying, ‘I never wanted to hook up with Kory’ — and then there are lies by omission."

Much of this drama was unpacked at the reunion, and while Sam and Kory were still together at that point, some of what went down during the taping simply didn't sit right with her. 

"I sit next to him and he's got his hand on my knee, and he said, 'Well, we weren't official. I was gonna push the boundary as far as I can,'" Sam recalled. "I was like, why would you say that? Why would you think it? Why would you say it next to me? What are we doing? Why do you want to push the boundary?"

Kory Keefer and Samantha Feher sitting at the Winter House reunion together.

Additional Reasons for Sam and Kory's Split

Though the events of Winter House Season 3 certainly played a role in their break-up, Sam explained that there were other factors, too. As she shared, "I had said [‘I love you’] to him and he never said it to me. He didn’t say it back when I said it and he then he never said it for the rest of the relationship. And that was really a big problem for me. I was like, ‘I think I need to get out.'"

"I didn’t break up with him because I don’t love him; I broke up with him because he doesn’t love me," Sam added. "And that's that."

Where Sam Feher and Kory Keefer Stand Today

Kory, for his part, was apparently "shocked" by Sam's decision to break up. "He was, I think, floored that I was actually leaving," she said. "I wanted to do it in person — everyone wants to do it in person — but we're long distance."

To his credit, Kory was "largely really mature" about everything," Sam noted. "He didn't try to change my mind [and] he apologized."

Samantha Feher and Kory Keefer hugging while at Sake No Hana in New York City.

All in all, Sam said she and Kory were together for "about a year and a half total, including the non-official [months]." And in spite of any drama they experienced, "I loved him for a long time," she added.

Today, the two even remain friends. As Sam put it, "We've stayed in contact. We're on good terms."

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